African Mango Liquid Bum Weight Loss Drops

What is African Mango?
African mango, also known as lrvingia gabonensis, is a tropical fru it that is native to the rainforests of West Africa. This precious fruit has been used to promote weight loss by revving up the metabolism, optimizing fat storage, and suppressing appetite.

How African Mango Supports Weight Loss
African mango supports weight loss by targeting an array of hormones and triggering a cascade of metabolic processes within the gut and overall body.

Here are the four main ways that African mango extract can support a healthy weight.

Supports appetite suppression– One molecule that is involved in appetite suppression is leptin.As you eat food, your body normally releases leptin, which travels to a special center in the brain (the hypothalamus) and “tells it” when you are getting full [1]. Clinical studies suggest that African mango targets this messenger molecule [2]. By mediating this pathway, African mango extract may support appetite suppression.

Optimizes fat metabolism – Fat breakdown is a complex process that relies on numerous different hormones and molecules. Adiponectin is one of these important molecules that stimulate the oxidation of fats [3]. African mango extract may stimulate adiponectin, and enhance the way fats are broken down and redirected for storage and energy production [2].

Supports a healthy balance of cholesterol – Multiple research studies have found that African mango significantly reduces levels of bad cholesterol and increases levels of good cholesterol [4,5]. How does it do this? African mango is rich in soluble fiber, which binds to cholesterol-rich bile in the gut. Once the gut cleanses the body of this bile, the liver then metabolizes the body’s cholesterol stores to replenish the bile that was lost through the gut. This effectively lowers overall cholesterol levels

The Happy-MD African Mango Liquid Burn Advantage
Our African mango complex drops are infused with a unique array of metabolism-boosting ingredients, such as vital amino acids, vitamins, and natural herbal extracts and roots.

To further support metabolism, these drops are enriched with the amino acids, L-Ornithine, L­Carnitine, L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, and beta-alanine. By stimulating insulin activity and boosting metabolic processes, these amino acids may help to support the burning of f at mass and the creation of muscle mass [6,7,8]. Niacin (vitamin B3), may help to maintain a healthy weight by supporting the breakdown of bad cholesterol and increasing levels of good cholesterol [9].

For added metabolic support, these drops are packed with a blend of four powerful organic roots that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants target and neutralize harmful oxygen radicals that could otherwise wreak havoc on the body. For example, through its antioxidant properties, Pygeum africanum may work to support healthy fat levels [10]. Maca root, rhodiola, and astragalus extract may support exercise performance and healthy weight loss by supporting the way the adrenal glands stimulate energy production [11, 12,13, 14].

By improving fat levels, overall hunger, and exercise performance, African mango may also support overall energy levels. Order African Mango Bum Wight Loss here.

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